Monday, May 11, 2009

Time for Progress

Or that's what society would like me to believe.
Today I have no school. No one is home but me. My self-motivation is somewhere outside in the sun and the breeze. Where it drew me.
I walked to the park with some fruit and a textbook. Aside from the insects determined to distract me with their clicking, buzzing, and overall existence, I could say that I got a lot done. That term being a general one... depending on the person who uses it. I guess my idea of "getting work done" is loosely translated as "getting enough work done so as not to feel like a slob/failure." Today I have succeeded in doing so. Huzzah.
The park was refreshing in its tranquility. I settled myself under a large tree by the pond, where I could watch the birds; The ducks of stone, the geese of white, and the Great Heron swooping down on me with heavy beats of wings.
Children laughing, grandfathers sitting and breathing, dragonflies whirling. All of it conjured in me a seriousness that surely doesn't befit me.
At the moment I am peaceful. However, as soon as I begin my studies again the fear and the panic will creep upon me like a poison shadow... and I will have to distract myself with the mundane, and mind-numbing things that I love so well.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We're Not Garbage!!!

Today I met a cat. She was a very cute cat, but she was very skinny... when I pet her I could feel all of her bones and her belly was bloated from hunger. My new kitty friend does not have a home.
I don't understand how people can just throw a cat out in the cold and leave it to fend for itself. I always try and come up with an image of what kind of person it would have to be... a person who throws a living thing away like it's garbage. I never manage to picture anything.
I've been thrown away too.
By friends. By family. By lovers.
What is this mentality? Where does it come from? We're not garbage! Stop treating us like we are!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Japanese Thanksgiving

So, obviously, there is no Thanksgiving in Japan. The "Thanksgiving" (yeah right) that we celebrate is strictly an American pastime. Ah, the celebration of giving false thanks to a nation of people soon destroyed by our greed, fear and idiocy... if only I could go back in time and rip off the balls of every single one of those dumb ass Pilgrims... fucking cunt-lickers. Of course now, like practically all of our current holidays, Thanksgiving is now a trademark. An excuse to kill as many goddamn turkeys as we can and devour them even faster. Go America!
Anyways, now that I'm done ranting - I always get sidetracked by involuntary angry outbursts - on with my explanation of the title. A couple of days ago I had the idea of making a Thanksgiving dinner for some of my new family members (through my brother's marriage). We spent all day cooking and it was delicious. All vegetarian, no Turkey, lot's of gravy, mashed potato's, stuffing. It was great.
And of course the damn dad had to bring some weird fish guts. *falls over*
There's Japan for ya! In a goddamn (new word of the day?) nutshell.
Bringing weird fish guts to any goddamn occasion no matter what the hell it is.

In other news, I am now a teacher! If you can believe it. Yes, I even have a student. As of today. I'm even getting paid. Wow.
What kind of teacher you ask? English you dolt. What else would I be teaching? But yeah. But no. But yeah.... but no. But yeah.
I'm helping my (one) student with her conversation skills and she has a big test coming up so I answer last minute questions she has about the subject matter. She's a great student. I'm lucky to have an easy one for my first time... and I didn't even make a dumb ass of myself. I think I actually helped her. Anyways, I'm excited about it. It's a good chance for me to learn more Japanese... and make a bit of money.

Well, two surprises for your day: Japanese Thanksgiving (who could have guessed?), and me; a teacher. Crazy things happen in Japan.
Goodnight loves.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yes Ma'am

I begin this blog at the request of one of my best friends. She asked for frequent updates on my current adventure to Japan and I acquiesced.

This adventure is probably better described as an escape... from school. From the incessant and idiotic dribbling of everyday conversations and a - stalemate shall we call it? - in my education. Although, truthfully, education is currently at the back of my mind... though of course you would claim that it should be at the fore. Oh, well, I've never been good at meeting the expectations that the world - society - has set in place for me.
I am currently running away from the inevitable. My future. The frightening aspect of becoming another drone on this quickly deteriorating earth, world, society.... thing.